There is a huge untapped potential for a business approach to solve environmental challenges.
During the past years Roger has closely worked with Eco Bali as a research partner for his PhD project on reducing plastic bags. There is no doubt that the current scale of environmental challenges humanity is facing cannot be tackled by businesses alone. We need governments, NGOs, civil society, researchers, artists, designers, communities and everyone else to do their part. But there are many smart ideas for eco enterprises already out there and a much bigger space for more to come. We strongly believe in the power of financially sustainable eco-business models.
Eco Bali is an Indonesian company, located on Bali, providing a responsible waste management, composting and recycling service to households and businesses. For a small fee Eco Bali ensures high recycling rates and works towards zero waste to landfills. Their sponsor based adopt-a-school program provides environmental education to school children and a waste collection infrastructure and collection to their schools.
Besides consultancy services to businesses and especially hotels to save resources, ecoBali also offers products to help reduce waste. One of them are upcycled drinking glasses. Bottles collected through their waste management service are saved from landfills and turned into drinking glasses. They also offer a range of alternative bags to stop the use of plastic bags. Have a look at their netbags, a great alternative to all the little plastic used for veggies and fruit.
Let’s keep our eyes open for the opportunities businesses provide us to find creative solutions to reduce plastic waste. For more ideas, also check out GlobalCAD Network who made the great video above. They are an action platform promoting the transition towards sustainable development.
“Through a strategic advisory center for development, a social documentary producer, a center that promotes inclusive business and a foundation that promotes culture and entrepreneurship, experts associated to The GlobalCAD Network generate knowledge to help solve major global challenges.”
Here you find more of their videos from great initiatves around the world: CAD Productions